17th July 2023
Updates and Balance Changes
Updates and Balance Changes:
EXP Rebalance V1.1:
- Tweaked the EXP Rebalance values to address issues with static parties being less EXP efficient on higher player counts and taps
- Party Bonus
- Current: 0+15+10+7+5+3+0+0+0+0+0+0 (+40% total)
- New: 0+15+10+7+5+3+3+3+3+3+2+1 (+55% total)
- Tap Bonus
- Current: 0+40+35+28+19+9 (+131% total)
- New: 0+40+35+20+20+20 (+135% total)
- Mr. Kim a Rich Man
- Current: +20% + 8% per Skill Level (+60% total)
- New: +10% + 8% per Skill Level (+50% total)
- Please note that despite the Mr. Kim change, this is overall a buff in all 7-12 person party configurations regardless of tap quantity. More members and more taps should always equal more EXP now assuming no one is leeching.
Summer Event:
- Frostfire Weapons should now be tradeable and sellable
- Fixed a dead cell in sumdun_02
- Added Crystal Blues to Naiad and Selkie drop tables (4.00%) as originally intended
- Increased attack of Frostfire Whip from 121 to 151 to match Frostfire Violin
Game Updates:
- The Alchemist Dealer on the right side of Payon Castle (116, 175) now additionally sells Empty Potion Bottles (10z) and Empty Test Tubes (3z)
- A Storage Kafra has been added near that Alchemist Dealer