Server Features
SUMMARY SERVER FEATURESServer Rates and Stats | Other Key Info | ||
Max Level | 99/50 | Server Epoch | Pre-Renewal Classic |
Card Drop Rates (Incl. MVP) | 1x | Currently Available Classes | 2-1, 2-2 Classes, Super Novice and Ninja |
MVP Card Drops | Enabled | Server Location | United States, EU (Proxy) |
Instant Cast Requirement | 150 DEX | War of Emperium | Season 4 In Progress |
HP Regen Rate | 4 Seconds / Tick | Dual Logging | Prohibited (Against Rules) |
SP Regen Rate | 6 Seconds / Tick | Server Security | Payon Stories Backend Security (Custom Build) |
Max Attack Speed | 190 | Player Commands | [Link to Player Commands] |
The following commands and how to use them are available to all Payon Stories players.@commands
Simply shows you which commands are available for you to use, making it a quick and easy reference that can be used in-game.
Shows you the game time. Useful for planning with friends on various international schedules or synchronizing your plans with in-game scheduled events and WoE.
Sometimes the game and client can get out of sync. Though rare, if your skills aren’t being cast or there seems to be rubber-banding, try using @refresh to realign your position with the server.
Track your experience in your chat window by using this command. The command provides accounting of all base and job experience received.
Toggles the error text that appears in your chat UI when your skills are on cooldown. Each skill has a global cooldown that makes it impossible to spam skills.
@monsterinfo or @mi
Simply type in a monster name or ID after the command to look up the monster’s stats, experience reward, and items dropped.
@iteminfo or @ii
Gives information about items, including the NPC prices, weight, and whether shops can sell the item in question. Can be used with item names or ID numbers.
Gives information about what monsters drop the searched for item. Simply type the item name or ID after the command and information about monster drops and rates will be listed.
Use a keyword to look up an item ID. Useful when used with other commands as often translations may not match the item name in the @mi or @ii databases.
Tells you the map(s) that searched for monsters’ spawn on along with how many are spawned. Useful for tracking certain monsters for items or quests.
Use this command after opening a shop to close your game client but leave the shop open. The shop will close when you log back in or your items have all sold.
@whobuy / @whosell
These commands can be used to search for items being sold by in-game vendors. If an item is being sold or purchased, gives you the location of the vendor.
@whobuy2 / @whosell2
Similar to @whobuy/@whosell. These commands can be used to sell/purchase items without visiting the store.
Saves a warp point for the "Warp Portal" skill. This command can also be used to see curently saved locations.
Accept party invitations from other players.
Toggle no-kill stealing mode to prevent other players from stealing your monster.
Hide vending stores to declutter your screen and focus on gameplay without distractions.
Hide buying stores to reduce visual clutter in crowded areas.
Brew large quantities of potions simultaneously for convenience and efficiency in stocking up.
Track your kill count for specific monsters.
Stay updated with the latest game developments and events by checking the news feature within the game interface.