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Payon Stories - A New Experience for All

Payon Stories is an MMO server meant for the modern player. Come join us today and experience RO with new balancing changes and the chance to make new friends! Create your own playstyle possibilities while reliving a classic!

Server Highlights

Payon Stories is committed to bringing you a MMO experience unlike any other. Our staff has reviewed each aspect of the game to optimize balance and entertainment, while staying true to MMO’s origins.
Low Rate Experience

Low Rate Experience

While our server is technically a 1x/1x/1x rate server, each mob has been carefully tuned to provide natural leveling progression. We have refined the entire monster database to give players new opportunities to level in places otherwise ignored. Experience not just 10% of MMO, but 100% of what it has to offer.

Return to MMO’s Roots

Return to MMO’s Roots

Even though MMO is nearly 20 years old, we feel that the earliest incarnation of the game is the most nostalgic. Starting from Episode 3, we plan to slowly progress through the history of MMO while adding unique content (quests, new systems, general improvements) as the server grows, bringing you a modern, yet nostalgic experience.

Fun, Not Profit

Fun, Not Profit

Payon Stories is a timeless server, one that is fully funded to cover basic upkeep and additions to content. There is no donation system in place at this time and if one is ever added, it will be limited, with all proceeds going to major improvements or directed to charities or the player base. We are here to have fun, not turn a profit.

All-Star Staff

All-Star Staff

The staff includes not only lovers of MMO, but also people who are deeply familiar with the inner working of the game’s code. Additionally, collaboration with the community’s best programmers, developers, and artists means that content and experiences built on Payon Stories will be unique to Payon Stories.

Emphasis on Your Journey

Emphasis on Your Journey

The team at Payon Stories is devoted to creating a multi-faceted journey for your characters. Grinding on the same monsters day after day is an outdated MMO trope. In Payon Stories, you will be faced with multiple means of leveling: quests, events, and interactions with the world of MMO. Our goal is to create one of the largest repositories of high-quality quests to provide you with not a grind, but a journey.

Our Oath

Our Oath

Payon Stories is more than a name, it is a pledge to our players and community. Our server is not just a copy of base code, but a reworking of the game. We will continually improve the experience of MMO by adding components that improve the entertainment of the game, while maintaining the core essence of the game. For more on Our Oath, visit our About Us page.

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News & Updates

Payon Stories is constantly thinking of new ways to bring players content and events. Keep up to date with the latest news!


Louyang goes live on August 14, 2022! Enjoy the mainland China themed maps and dungeon with all the classic content you remember. Do not forget to bring your mage friend and fire arrows for those pesky Mi Gaos (aka Increase Soils)!

Mar 3: Muspelheim Dungeon Pt. 2

The adventures into the Muspelheim Mines continues as adventurers are tasked with bringing down a new threat named Logi. Over 40 new items, 7 new monsters, 10 quests, and lots of thrills await you! This is content unique to Payon Stories!

More Updates & Events

Server Roadmap

Payon Stories is committed to adding official and unique content at a consistent, yet balanced rate. Regular updates mean new avenues of exploration for you and your friends.

The Grand Opening

Payon Stories opens its doors by reverting the game back to an Episode 3 (Comodo) state, with improvements to world balance, NPC dialogue, world building, and more. With so many plans in store for the future, this is truly a new MMO beginning.

January 14, 2023

Chapter 1: Class Balances

Together with the server’s community, our staff has reviewed each skill and made some adjustments to bring more builds in-line with one another. We understand that part of the fun of MMO is the build diversity. Therefore, improving player options is key to our server goals and rebalancing classes is essential to the server’s mission.

January 2, 2023

Chapter 2: The 2-2 Classes

The implementation of 2-2 classes prior to War of Emperium, while not chronologically consistent with the game, provides better versatility to the WoE experience. As with other jobs, class quests for these new jobs will be implemented simultaneously, with new areas such as Juno added. Class changes will also be implemented for 2-2 classes.

January 2, 2023

Chapter 2.5: Class Quests

Addition of quests specific to each first and second class will be added to provide additional gameplay opportunities outside of grinding monsters. Job quests that give players a meaningful sense of progression will bring new life to Payon Stories.

Jauary 2, 2023

Chapter 2.6: Brighthaven Academy

A completely new novice training hub will be opened to provide a quest-based training grounds that will not only teach new players about the game, but reward experienced players for honing their skills and knowledge of the game, all while earning your first few levels. This new area is a refereshing take on the training grounds, updated for 2021 and beyond!

January 2, 2023

Chapter 3: Eve of War

A themeatic quest line will force guilds to cooperate to unlock new phases in preparation for war. Throughout the world, objectives will be set that will challenge players to gather materials, fight monsters, and solve puzzles. One final task will be the key to opening the castles for WoE!

January 2, 2023

Chapter 3.1: Turtle Dungeon

Explore Turtle Island and all of the new turtle themed monsters inhabiting it. A new quest chain focused on this dungeon provides players meaningful immersion into this often-overlooked dungeon. You might want to watch your step. Though, the leader of the turtles might not be happy with your intrusion.

January 2, 2023

Chapter 4: War of Emperium

The War of Emperium is an MMO staple, as is the creation of god items and all out guild wars. This Payon Stories chapter will focus on launching WoE with a number of castles open based on server size and guild diversity. Who will be on top and reign supreme over their keep?

Q1 2023

Chapter 5: An Expanded World

Explore new parts of MMO with staggered opening of different world regions. These regions include Amatsu, Louyang, Kunlun, and Ayothaya. Battle new monsters, experience new quests, and most of all, relive the nostalgia!

Q1/Q2 2023

The Future

Payon Stories’s staff will continually roll out new updates based on official and server-specific content. Keep playing the game and experience both memorable and fresh content for years to come!

Server Information

Server Rates and Stats Other Key Info
Max Level 99/50 Server Epoch Pre-Renewal Classic
Card Drop Rates (Incl. MVP) 1x Currently Available Classes 2-1, 2-2 Classes, Super Novice and Ninja
MVP Card Drops Enabled Server Location United States, EU Proxy
Instant Cast Requirement 150 DEX War of Emperium Season 4 in Progress
HP Regen Rate 4 Seconds / Tick Dual Logging Prohibited (Bannable)
SP Regen Rate 6 Seconds / Tick Server Security Payon Stories Backend Security (Custom Build)
Max Attack Speed 190 Player Commands [Link to Player Commands]